"BMAKE..." function....help..!!!
(too old to reply)
2005-03-17 20:23:28 UTC
Hi to all,

I am using "Bmake" function create a block, with predefined attributes. The final block does not appear in the same order in which it was selected.

Thank you peers,


Dean Saadallah
2005-03-17 21:49:51 UTC
"The program displays the attribute prompts in the reverse order from which
they were originally created.

To define attributes so that their insertion is prompted in a specific
order, individually pick the attributes in the reverse order of how you want
the prompts to appear. Then select all objects with a window or crossing box
to complete the block definition."
Dean Saadallah
Add-on products for LT
Nic C
2005-03-18 06:56:31 UTC
I had the same problem few days ago.

I solved it by sorting the attributes with display order command.
The order from back to front is the order they appear in the
list after defining the block.

May be Dean can confirm if this really works or just happend
for my case and display order has no effect on setting the
attribute list order.
